Stephen Finucane (Fin-oo-can)


  • In the Dalamation (2024.2) cycle, we’re working on adding OpenAPI schemas for a number of the OpenStack services. As part of this effort, I’ve had to learn more than I would like to know about how various services’ API machinery works.…

  • I deploy OpenShift-on-OpenStack quite regularly these days. Some times these deployments fail and the most common failure I usually see is a timeout during bootstrapping.…

  • After seeing a few too many availability zone-related issues popping up in OpenShift clusters of late, I’ve decided it might make sense to document the situation with OpenStack AZs on OpenShift (and, by extension, Kubernetes).…

  • Another short one. As mostly anyone that has had to maintain an OpenStack cluster will know, many of the OpenStack services has the ability to report notifications via the message bus.…

  • I recently had to deploy a multi-node OpenStack cluster in Azure. Like most cloud platforms, Azure does not expose L2 networks and implements MAC spoofing protection, preventing VMs from advertising IPs that have not been assigned to them.…


  • This talk was delivered at PyCon Ireland 2022. As the name would suggest, I aimed to describe how to implement a database upgrade pattern using SQLAlchemy + Alembic that would allow you to evolve you database schema without incurring downtime.…

  • This talk was a lightning talk I gave at PyCon Ireland 2022. There’s no real abstract.

  • This talk was delivered during the OpenInfra Summit 2022 in Berlin. The aim was to provide some background on the mentoring activities happening in the OpenStack community and provide some advice for potential mentors and mentees on how to get involved in and run a successful mentorship.…